The impact of international law on the constitutional justice system in Poland – a constitutional perspective


Title: Oddziaływanie prawa międzynarodowego na sądownictwo konstytucyjne w Polsce – perspektywa konstytucyjna (The impact of international law on the constitutional justice system in Poland – a constitutional perspective)

Author: Aleksandra Syryt

Dimensions: 160 x 240 mm

Length: 350 pages

Price: 37 PLN



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The book impresses with its versatility and breadth of the covered material, especially since it presents an exhaustive list of problems related to international law as the object and benchmark in the Polish constitutional review process as well as the impact of international standards on the system, organisation and rules of proceedings before the Constitutional Court. This publication fills a significant lacuna in the works of legal scholarship. The writing is accurate and mature while the references are extremely well documented and organised. Notably (and commendably), the author maintains an independent judgement, and the monograph is not devoid of practical value, as it clearly delineates the boundaries of the influence of international (and, to a certain extent, European) law on the functioning and jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court.

An excerpt from a review by dr hab. Zbigniew Cieślak the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Professor of Law and dr hab. Piotr Szymaniec, the Angelus Silesius University of Applied Sciences in Wałbrzych Professor of Law