Aggravated manslaughter in the 1997 Criminal Code


Title: Zabójstwa kwalifikowane w Kodeksie karnym z 1997 r. Naukowa i sądowa wykładnia znamion kwalifikujących (Aggravated manslaughter in the 1997 Criminal Code. The scholarly and judicial interpretation of aggravating elements)

Editor: Łukasz Pohl

Dimensions: 160 x 240 mm

Length: 228 pages

Price: 52 PLN



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The book presents the outcome of a study on aggravated manslaughter under the Criminal Code of 6 June 1997 carried out by the Institute of Justice in 2017. The study focused on the scholarly and judicial interpretation of the elements of the legislative definition of different types of aggravated manslaughter.
Apart from providing a descriptive narrative, the book puts forward proposals concerning interpretation and reforms of legal rules on aggravated manslaughter. The theoretical and doctrinal component of the publication is supplemented by the criminology conclusions of a study of case records.