The reform of the administrative judiciary

Redakcja naukowa: Mateusz Pszczyński

Liczba stron: 203

Spis treści

Rok wydania: 2024


POBIERZ (.pdf)



The issues raised in the publication refer to systemic issues, for example by analysing all entities that may participate in administrative court proceedings and by analysing sources of law and their hierarchy in relation to European and national systems. The study analyzes selected issues and aspects of judicial activism of the CJEU, concerning the primacy of EU law in relation to the legal systems and constitutional order of the Member States. All the issues raised are dealt with in due order in due detail.

Undoubtedly, the comparison of systems based on different schemes is an important voice in the discussion on the shape of the Polish administrative justice system. Adjudicating on the legality of administrative decisions by the common judiciary has no roots in the history of Polish legislation, so the attempt to juxtapose these two different regulations is all the more valuable and valuable.

It can therefore be stated with full confidence that the reviewed monograph – due to the subject matter and scope of its considerations – presents an original concept of the issues raised in it, e.g. legal standing of entities in administrative court proceedings or the use of new technologies in administrative court proceedings in pandemic conditions.

 From the review of dr hab. Ewa Pierzchała, prof. ucz.


The study submitted for review consists of 5 texts in English. They concern broadly understood administrative law in national, international and EU terms. The authors present a creative approach to the issues being developed. I have not encountered uncritical duplication of findings that are already in scientific circulation. The substantive texts are at the right level, and I have no formal comments either.  I recommend the monograph for publication.

From the review of  dr hab. Andrzej Szymański, prof. ucz.